CBR Digital is a digital agency located in Canberra, Australia.
The goal of the mission was to create the website for the agency.
We choose a country code top-level domain (ccTLD) “” to show that CBR Digital is a local Australian business.
The website was built using WordPress and is hosted on a Google Cloud Plateform server located in Australia, in order to reduce latency. We decided to go with an OpenLiteSpeed image on a Compute Engine instance, as it was just released on the marketplace and looked really promising. Indeed, the image includes several performance enhancements such as LiteSpeed’s popular LSCache plugin. This allows us to have very fast response time overall, and will help our global SEO strategy but afterall this would benefit the user by improving the experience.
Regarding site structure and content, we wanted to show on the home page a quick overview of all services CBR Digital have to offer. Each section link to a dedicated page (Web Development, SEO, Online Marketing, etc) where the user will find more precise informations.

As you can see below we were able to achieve pretty good result on GTmetrix with a PageSpeed Score of 93% and a YSlow Score of 88%. The page is fully loaded in under 1.2s which is really good. Google advice that a website load under 3 seconds.